Two scenarios:
o The headmaster wish to welcome in his school a pupil with a handicap and thus he will realize his evaluation according to this one because he wishes to receive specific and practical advice for this student.
o The headmaster is just curious to see the level of accessibility of his school and it for any type of handicap. This formula is also a tool of sensitization because certain headteachers can so see as their school is potentially accessible and during a possible demand of a pupil with a handicap, he will be already informed about the potential of his school.
The principle of use is simple:
1. The headmaster chooses the type of questionnaire to use
2. He arms itself with a meter and with a questionnaire to find the accessibility of his school
3. The building was cut by room and for every room, a series of questions by element being in the room was elaborated.
4. In front of every question, a highly-rated answer is present. Within the framework of answer, the headmasters indicates the written quotation only if the element which must be verified corresponds totally to the proposed answer. In all other cases, the figure to be indicated is equal to 0.
5. For every series of question, it is necessary to calculate the obtained total and to add all the results of a room to determine its score.
6. As soon as the score is obtained, it is enough to refer to the square answer to see if the level of accessibility is correct or if modifications must be brought.
7. For all the negative scores, the headmaster can refer to infosheets of advices and so better to realize the changes which could be envisaged.
Questionnaires to download:
-> Questionnaire of self-assessment of the accessibility for a student with a visual impairment
Questionnaire visual impairment
-> Questionnaire of self-assessment of the accessibility for a student with a hearing impairment
Questionnaire hearing impairment
-> Questionnaire of self-assessment of the accessibility for a student with a physical impairment
Questionnaire physical impairment - Part 1
Questionnaire physical impairment - Part 2
Questionnaire physical impairment - Part 3
Questionnaire physical impairment - Part 4
-> Questionnaire of self-assessment of the accessibility for a student with a mental impairment
Questionnaire mental impairment
-> Questionnaire of self-assessment of the accessibility for all type of handicap
Questions about the classroom, toilet, canteen, gymnasticroom
Questions about corridors in the school
Questions about security, operationnal aspects, stair and equipments