Accesschool project
The general objective of the Accesschool project is to improve access to ordinary schooling and training for anyone with specific needs in Europe.
3 main objectives :
1. creating a teachers’ “kit bag”, containing files on the various facets of integration;
2. creating a methodology for the measurement of accessibility in the fields of educational methods, architecture, facilities and services, and devising operational solutions specifically adapted to the schools and training institutions;
3. creating an online inventory of European schools and training courses giving an accurate measurement of their accessibility in function of the user’s needs.
The general objective of the Accesschool project is to improve access to ordinary schooling and training for anyone with specific needs in Europe, and to do so by:
1. creating a teachers’ “kit bag”, containing files on the various facets of integration;
2. creating a methodology for the measurement of accessibility in the fields of educational methods, architecture, facilities and services, and devising operational solutions specifically adapted to the schools and training institutions;
3. creating an online inventory of European schools and training courses giving an accurate measurement of their accessibility in function of the user’s needs.
To attain this objective, the ANLH (the National Association for Disabled Persons’ Housing) proposes the transfer and adaptation of Accescity, the database used to obtain information on accessibility of buildings in accordance with the user’s personal profile.
More especially, the Accesschool project aims to:
1. offer schools and training institutions teaching aids and practical tools to help them improve the integration of pupils with a disability, as well as a database enabling them to make their initiatives visible;
2. enable pupils with a disability to identify the teaching programmes and training courses that are suited to them as regards educational methods, buildings, facilities and services ;
3. enable policy makers in the field of education to improve the consistency and relevance of the measures taken to improve access to education and training for all, by making it possible to have a list of the accessible schools and colleges and the specific obstacles to be removed, as well as an overview of good practices in Europe ;
4. promote the mobility of these pupils, students and learners by making it possible for them to identify, from a distance, possibilities for schooling, training courses and placements that meet their needs.