The target group
Persons with a disability are those who have a physical (mobility and motivity), sensory (mainly sight and hearing) or cognitive deficiency, but also persons with considerable learning difficulties or those afflicted by a chronic illness. Moreover, anyone may be confronted with situations of disability: having a broken foot, being pregnant, being old, etc. The Accesschool database and teaching aids and practical tools will thus ensure that the needs both of pupils afflicted by a severe disability and those suffering from a minor motor disability or learning difficulties, for example, are met.
1. Any person with special needs, on account of a deficiency, or his or her size, weight, state of health, etc., and who wishes to receive schooling or training.
The user will be able to use the Accesschool database to answer two types of questions:
1. I would like to attend a particular teaching programme/course of training – where can I find a structure accessible to me which dispenses this teaching programme/training?
2. I would like to enrol in a particular school, university, academy, etc. – is it adapted to my specific needs?
Secondly, the dissemination of the teaching aids and practical tools and the use of the database by the users and by the other players in the sector should stimulate the implementation of practices promoting the integration of these people in ordinary schools and training institutions.
2. The (future) head teachers and the organising authorities who/which will find information and specific teaching aids and methodological tools enabling them to make progress in their integration objectives, a tool designed to make the measures already taken more visible, and the possibility of discovering innovative practices and locating other schools and institutions with which to cooperate. Aside from the pupils, students and learners with special needs and the head teachers, the setting in place of a tool such as Acceschool will also benefit a wider public:
1. parents, careers guidance counsellors and teachers, by facilitating the research carried out by them to assist and guide the pupil and enabling them to become better informed of the needs and recommended solutions in function of the deficiency/deficiencies of the person in question;
2. foreign pupils, students and learners who will be able to identify, from a distance, the possibilities of finding schools or institutes they could go to which meet their needs;
3. politicians responsible for educational policies who will have a map of accessible schools and a list of the specific obstacles to be removed, as well as the possibility of pinpointing good practices in Europe so as to allow them to improve the consistency and relevance of the measures taken to improve access to schooling and training for all.